#21   Ash-Shams 9

[ فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَاهَا ] - الشمس 8

[ وَقَدْ خَابَ مَنْ دَسَّاهَا ] - الشمس 10

Qad aflaha man zakkaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 4 letters | 13 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#22   Ash-Shams 8

[ وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا ] - الشمس 7

[ قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا ] - الشمس 9

Faalhamaha fujooraha wataqwaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 20 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#23   Ash-Shams 7

[ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا طَحَاهَا ] - الشمس 6

[ فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَاهَا ] - الشمس 8

Wanafsin wama sawwaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 12 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#24   Ash-Shams 6

[ وَالسَّمَاءِ وَمَا بَنَاهَا ] - الشمس 5

[ وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا ] - الشمس 7

Waalardi wama tahaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 14 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#25   Ash-Shams 5

[ وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَاهَا ] - الشمس 4

[ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا طَحَاهَا ] - الشمس 6

Waalssamai wama banaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 15 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#26   Ash-Shams 4

[ وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّاهَا ] - الشمس 3

[ وَالسَّمَاءِ وَمَا بَنَاهَا ] - الشمس 5

Waallayli itha yaghshaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 15 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#27   Ash-Shams 3

[ وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَاهَا ] - الشمس 2

[ وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَاهَا ] - الشمس 4

Waalnnahari itha jallaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 15 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#28   Ash-Shams 2

[ وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا ] - الشمس 1

[ وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّاهَا ] - الشمس 3

Waalqamari itha talaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 3 letters | 14 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15

#29   Ash-Shams 1

[ عَلَيْهِمْ نَارٌ مُؤْصَدَةٌ ] - البلد 20

[ وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَاهَا ] - الشمس 2

Waalshshamsi waduhaha

About ayah page | 595 hizb | 60 quart | 3 juz | 30 manzil | 7 words | 2 letters | 12 divine names | 0

About surah Sura | Ash-Shams ( The Sun) n° | 91 type | Meccan revelation_order | 26 ayahs | 15